Becoming a mum (They didn't tell me that!)
Becoming a mum - By Claire Evans
A light-hearted autobiographical look at the experiences one mum found – from naiveties, expectations, and realisations, to the surprises of eventually becoming a mum. Including many little things, they forgot to tell her about...“So how did becoming a mum affect me? Well, lots of ups.Lots of downs.Lots of mood swings. Lots of ‘aarrrgghhhs!’ And plenty of ‘Why is that happening?’ ‘Is that supposed to happen?’ And ‘should I be worried about that??’“This book is not written to scare, glorify or exaggerate my experiences, but just to tell it how it was for me.“Whether a mum of grown-ups, teens, the tear-away toddler’s mum, or brand-new mummies, this is an opportunity to remember, relate and even giggle a bit with me. Or at me – whichever you prefer.“Let me explain...”
Purchase your digital copy here or for Kindle and paperback versions directly from Amazon click here
Claire Evans Author page can be found here